Sunday, August 4, 2019

August Meeting Recap

Our August meeting was held at the Tepper Building on CMU campus where we heard Stefani Danes and Doug Cooper talk about their collaborative mural work. The Tepper Building has a large mural created by them, and we got to hear all about the meaning behind the mural and their artistic processes. Doug creates drawings and Stefani pieces fabric to create panels. The drawings and the fabric panels are then assembled together to create the finished mural. Stefani's fabric panels flow from one drawn portion of the mural to the next. It was really inspiring to hear about their work!

After the presentation we met for our business meeting in a classroom upstairs:
QuiltCon class registration is open!
Member pricing ends November 30.
Quilt show entries are open now through November 30.

QuiltCon Challenges have been announced:
Stripes challenge sponsored by American Patchwork and Quilting
Indah Batik Me+You Challenge - the fabric is in! Contact Nikki to pick up your bundle

We voted on ideas for our 2020 QuiltCon Charity quilt, and B's idea to create a quilt with a quote from Abraham Lincoln, "A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand" won the vote.
B created a sample block of her design:
If you have fabric that you would like to donate to be used in the quilt top, please bring it to the September meeting. We would like pieces that are fat quarter sized or larger. We will curate a collection of fabrics to be used in the quilt, including those fabrics donated by members as well as any fabric we need to purchase to fill in the gaps. The color palette for this challenge is:
The 2019 QuiltCon charity quilt is going to the Ronald McDonald House to be auctioned at their Red Shoe Ball. It will be given to them after it hangs at the PNQE exhibit!

MQG is looking for applicants for a few task forces. More info can be found here.

PNQE quilts were due at the meeting today (August 4th). Please contact Nikki to drop your quilts off to her. Quilts must be dropped off by Monday, August 19th.

Our Tiny Town quilt won 1st place in group quilts at the Quilt Co East show! Thanks to B for designing and coordinating the projects, and to all of the members for helping piece and assemble it!

Our Making Faces with Melissa Averinos workshop is open! Check out the link for more info and to sign up!

The wholecloth challenge quilts are due next month at the September meeting. The next challenge will also be announced at that time.

The Salvation Army fabric sale is:
Saturday, September 28
Salvation Army Warehouse
820 Parish St
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Donations can also be brought to the above address.

North Pittsburgh Quilters Guild is hosting a Curved Log Cabins workshop with Augusta Cole!
Wednesday, September 4th
St. John's Lutheran Church
311 Cumberland Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
$25 fee + $8 for the pattern
To register contact:
Kelly Gascoine:
Stacy Koehler:

Show and tell pics! We had several people show us their wholecloth challenge quilts:

Our September 8th meeting is all about copyright in the quilting industry. This meeting will be at our normal meeting space, Holy Spirit cafeteria in Millvale.
Sandy's son-in-law, Ryan Miller of The Webb Law Firm, will be presenting.
Ryan will start off our meeting at 1pm with the business meeting to follow. We ask that you please arrive on time. We hope to see you there!

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